Hi! I'm Liz,
I am a professional food blogger, recipe developer, food photographer, and cookie aficionado!
I have over 25 years of baking experience and have made thousands of professional cookies for all kinds of special events.
Over the years, the #1 question my clients, family and friends ask did you make so many decorated cookies that come out so perfect!?
Until now, this method has been MY BEST KEPT SECRET 🤫, but after seeing how many people struggle with traditional cookie decorating due to the time, practice, equipment, and skill necessary to succeed, I decided to create a course specifically designed to help my fellow bakers and cookie lovers!
I've hacked the cookie decorating process into an easy to use, no-fail system to help people achieve cookie perfection on their first try!
Cookie Transfermation™ is an EASY, unique decorating system designed for ANY SKILL LEVEL!
- In just 1 hour, my video lessons will teach you everything you need to know
- My course includes over 100+ professionally designed cookie templates and growing
- Our design templates take the guesswork out of cookie decorating making it SUPER FAST, SUPER FUN & SUPER SIMPLE!